Examination Criteria
Each subject's examination is three hours long, with one paper per subject. Examinations are held twice a year, in the last week of January and July.
Training Classes
Each stage/level of the Forensic Accountant/Forensic Auditor (FA) Program requires a minimum period of approximately six months, including time for coaching and self-study. Coaching classes for the bi-annual sessions are conducted from March to June and from September to December. Faculty members responsible for these classes are professionally qualified and possess practical knowledge in their respective fields. Coaching classes are compulsory but may be optional in cases where IFAP grants exemptions to students residing in areas without coaching facilities or for those who have already attended classes at other professional institutes offering corresponding subjects. Correspondence courses are also available. Coaching classes are conducted at IFAP's own supervised or accepted coaching centers/campuses, covering major cities. IFAP's own centers are currently located in Dubai-UAE, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Peshawar, Gujranwala, and Quetta.

Submission of Examination Applications
Registered/enrolled students of the Institute are eligible to apply for examinations, provided their applications adhere to the following criteria:
Application Form
Applications must be submitted in the official form obtainable from the Institute's Head Office.
Supporting Documents
Applicants should include necessary documents verifying claimed exemptions and prior examinations passed.
Examination Fees
Applications must be accompanied by the examination fees, as determined and approved by the Executive Council / Examination Committee of the Institute.
Timely Submission
Applications should be submitted within the specified deadlines for examination registration.
FA Program Examinations
The examinations for the Forensic Accountant/Forensic Auditor (FA) Program are designed with a strong commitment to rigor and fairness, aiming to bring out the best in candidates and equip them for a challenging career in the fields of Forensic Accounting and Forensic Auditing. Here are some distinctive features of these examinations:
Rigorous Testing Standards
The examinations adhere to high standards of thorough testing.
Fair Administration
They are administered impartially to ensure a level playing field for all candidates.
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
These questions are used to assess candidates' conceptual understanding of the subjects.
Numerical Problems
Candidates are presented with numerical challenges to evaluate their quantitative skills.
Applied Theory Questions
These questions gauge the application of theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios.
Emphasis on Case Studies
Case studies are incorporated to test candidates' problem-solving abilities in real-world situations.
Project Work
The examinations include project work to assess the depth of candidates' understanding and their capability to apply this knowledge to practical contexts.
Examination Dates
The examinations are scheduled to take place twice annually, specifically in the months of January and July. The precise dates for these examinations will be communicated well in advance by the Institute's Executive Council and Examination Committee. This ensures that students have ample time to submit their examination applications promptly.
Examination Centers
Examinations will be conducted at various locations, including Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, Multan, Gujranwala, Faisalabad, Sialkot, Muzaffarabad, and Mirpur. Additionally, the Executive Council and Examination Committee may choose other suitable venues, provided they can offer the necessary infrastructure for conducting the examinations effectively.

Examination Schedule
Candidates will receive their individual examination timetable, which includes the dates and times for their exams, at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the examination date. To ensure eligibility for the examinations, each candidate must submit their Application/Exam Entry Form by the following deadlines:
For The January Examination, Submit By December 31st.
For The July Examination, Submit By June 30th.
Late Examination Entries
The Institute will announce the closing dates for examination entries through individual notifications to each student and in newspapers for the information of prospective candidates. Late entries for examinations may be considered at the sole discretion of the Institute's Executive Council/Examination Committee, provided that applications are submitted within ten (10) days after the specified closing date for each examination as stated in the notification. Additionally, candidates must pay a late fee of Rs.1,500/- per paper for national/local candidates, Rs.2,000/- per paper for overseas Pakistani candidates, and US $75 per paper for international/foreign applicants intending to sit for the exam.
Announcement of Examination Results
The results of the examinations will be communicated to each candidate individually through email, postal mail, or courier. This notification will be sent out no later than seven (07) weeks after the examination date. In addition to this, the results will also be made available to the general public through press releases.
The individual result notifications will clearly indicate whether the candidate has passed, failed, or has been referred. Please note that no additional information regarding the results will be provided. However, the notification will include details about the grades awarded to the candidate based on their performance in the examination. The grading system is as follows:
Grade | Description And Status Of Grade |
A | Pass With Distinction. |
B | Pass Standard. |
C | Below pass standard but could be upgraded on the basis of performance in others papers of the Stage. |
D | Poor or fail. |
R | Referred Subject. |
Reexamination for Failed Subjects (Referral)
If a candidate does not pass one or more subjects within a particular stage or level, they will have the opportunity to retake the examination for those specific subjects. This process is referred to as a "Referral." Candidates who have failed in one or more subjects may take the examination for those subjects again.
Here are the key points regarding Referral:
- Candidates must successfully clear the referred subjects before proceeding to the next higher stage or level of examinations.
- If the referred subjects span across two stages or levels, the candidate should first pass these referred subjects before attempting the next higher stages or levels.
- In cases where the referred subjects belong to a single stage or level, candidates may be allowed to sit for the next succeeding stage or level simultaneously with the referred subjects.
- Candidates are required to pay the prescribed examination fee for the referred subject or subjects, as per the rates specified in the schedule.
This process allows candidates to focus on and retake the specific subjects they did not pass before progressing to the next stage or level of their examinations.
The Institute of Forensic Accountants of Pakistan (IFAP) will issue the following certificates:-
Exemption Certificates
Exemption certificates will be granted based on specific rules and conditions approved by the Executive Council or Exemption Committee of The Institute of Forensic Accountants of Pakistan (IFAP).
Pass Certificates
Upon successful completion of each stage, level, or part, a Pass Certificate will be issued. Upon completing all the required stages, levels, or parts, a comprehensive Pass Certificate will be awarded. However, it's important to note that holding such a certificate does not automatically confer membership in the Institute.
Membership Certificates
Certificate of Membership (CoM) will be granted to individuals upon whom membership of the Institute has been officially conferred. The conditions for membership are established and approved by the Executive Council or Membership Committee of The Institute of Forensic Accountants of Pakistan (IFAP).
Misconduct During Examinations
The following actions by a student are considered misconduct during an examination and will result in disciplinary action if any of these actions are found to be taking place. These actions are strictly prohibited:
- Having or bringing books, notes, or other unauthorized materials into the examination.
- Assisting or attempting to assist another candidate, or seeking assistance from another candidate.
- Disobeying instructions from the examination invigilator or violating examination rules and protocols.
- Providing false or deceptive information to the examination invigilator.
The invigilator has the authority to remove a student from the examination hall if they are found guilty of any of the above-mentioned actions. Upon receiving a report from the invigilator, the Executive Council or Examination Committee of the Institute may impose appropriate penalties or fines in each case. In cases of serious misconduct and disruptive behavior in the examination hall, the Executive Council or Examination Committee of the Institute may also disqualify a student from taking future Institute examinations and cancel their registration with the Institute.
Examination Fees
Candidates who wish to take the examinations must submit the required fees as outlined in the schedule provided below. A candidate is allowed to take the examination for a maximum of two stages/levels/parts at a time. This rule applies even if a candidate has been granted exemptions in one or more subjects of a stage/level/part within those two stages/levels/parts.
Candidates are required to take the examination for the full part at a time, unless they have received exemptions for specific subjects within the level/part for which they have applied to take the examination.
Absence From Examinations
If a candidate does not appear for an examination, they will be recorded as absent from the examination. Please note that once the examination fees have been paid and the examination application has been accepted by the Institute, the fees will not be refunded or applied to future examinations, regardless of the reason for the candidate's absence.
Powers Of Examination Committee
The Executive Council/Examination Committee of the Institute has the authority to manage and oversee all aspects related to the planning and administration of the Institute's examinations. This includes the power to establish branches and examination centers both within and outside Pakistan. They can appoint representatives in various locations and regulate their activities through bye-laws. If necessary, they can also dissolve branches and examination centers and remove any representatives associated with the Institute.
Furthermore, this Committee has the authority to appoint, remove, or suspend examiners. They can periodically create and publish rules and regulations governing the conduct of examinations, ensuring compliance with established regulations and bye-laws. Examinations are typically conducted at one or more locations, with a frequency of at least once but no more than twice a year. These exams cover the subjects outlined in the examination rules.